Enrichment Class Proposal

Questions marked with a * are required
Thank you for your interest in leading an OLLI course with Continuing Education at BSC! If you are interested in teaching multiple classes, please complete a new form for each class.  
The deadlines to submit course information are as follows:

Spring/Summer Catalog - Submission Due March 15
(Classes run between May 16 & August 31)

Fall Catalog - Submission Due July 16
(Classes run between September 18 & December 15) 

Winter Catalog - Submission Due October 31
(Classes run between January 15 & April 30)
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Short instructor bio:
Is this a course we have previously offered?
Class Title (enticing or simple):

Class Description:

Description should contain between 30 and 100 words. Please include a definition of the class and emphasize the benefits to the participants and/or value of the subject matter. 

BSC-CE will review and may make adjustments for marketing purposes. 

I am interested in teaching my class:
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